Dairy Entries: imagine you are Siva in the short story Gemini. you are worried that your son or daughter might follow into your footsteps of being a failure in life, you are trying by all means to ensure and help him/her not to be a failure.write a two days diary entry expressing how you felt about you son/ daughter future that night in the train on your way home from work, and how you felt after you have received his/her failed school report the next day​

Dairy Entries: imagine you are Siva in the short story Gemini. you are worried that your son or daughter might follow into your footsteps of being a failure in life, you are trying by all means to ensure and help him/her not to be a failure.write a two days diary entry expressing how you felt about you son/ daughter future that night in the train on your way home from work, and how you felt after you have received his/her failed school report the next day​

Day 1: Diary Entry

Dear Diary,

Tonight, as I sit on the train on my way home from work, my mind is consumed with worry about my son/daughter's future. I can't help but think about how my own life turned out, filled with missed opportunities and failures. I've always wanted better for my child, and I fear that they might follow in my footsteps.

As a parent, I strive to provide every possible opportunity for my child to succeed. I work long hours, sacrificing my own comfort and happiness, with the hope that it will lead to a better life for them. I've enrolled them in the best schools, encouraged their interests, and tried to instill a sense of discipline and determination.

However, despite my efforts, I can't help but doubt myself. Am I doing enough? Am I giving them the guidance and support they need to make the right choices? The weight of responsibility weighs heavily on my shoulders, and I constantly question if I am equipped to guide my child towards a successful future.

I look at my son/daughter with such love and hope. They have their own dreams and aspirations, and I want nothing more than to see them achieve their goals. But what if they face the same setbacks and disappointments that I did? What if they struggle to find their path in life, just like I did?

As the train rattles on, I find solace in knowing that I am not alone in these fears. Countless parents worry about their children's futures. It is a shared burden, a universal desire for our loved ones to thrive and find happiness.

I need to find a way to channel my concerns into constructive action. I will continue to be there for my child, offering support, guidance, and encouragement. I will remind them that failure is not the end, but an opportunity to learn and grow. I will teach them resilience, determination, and the importance of never giving up on their dreams.

Tomorrow is a new day, and I will face it with renewed determination. I will be the anchor for my child, the unwavering support they need to navigate the challenges that lie ahead. Together, we will overcome any obstacles that come our way.

With hope in my heart and a deep love for my child, I will do everything I can to ensure their future is brighter than mine.

Yours sincerely,


Day 2: Diary Entry

Dear Diary,

Today, my heart sank as I received my son/daughter's school report. It was not the outcome I had hoped for. Despite my efforts, they have struggled academically, and their grades reflect their difficulties.

I won't deny that disappointment flooded my being. It was a blow to my hopes and dreams for them. However, amidst the initial shock, I realized that this setback does not define their future. It is merely a stumbling block on their journey, an opportunity for growth and self-discovery.

I took a moment to reflect on my own failures and how they shaped me into the person I am today. It was through those failures that I learned invaluable lessons and found the strength to persevere. I realized that this is a crucial moment for my child to learn similar lessons and develop their resilience.

Instead of dwelling on their failed report, I reached out to my son/daughter with empathy and understanding. We had a heartfelt conversation, where I assured them of my unwavering support and reminded them that their worth is not determined solely by their grades. I emphasized the importance of hard work, dedication, and a positive attitude.

I encouraged them to seek help where needed, to ask questions, and to embrace the process of learning. I reminded them that failure is not an indication of their potential but an opportunity for growth. We discussed setting realistic goals, finding

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